Introducing the Clementina Chapel
In February, we had a medical team from Independent Presbyterian Church in Memphis, TN come to do a mobil medical clinic targeting this area. This medical clinic opened the door for some of our seminary students, Percy and Jose, to begin doing pastoral visitation in hopes of forming a church plant. After several months of visitations, the community decided to designate a piece of land for a chapel. Our Wichanzao church raised money to construct a thatch chapel and several weeks ago they had the inauguration service to dedicate this new chapel. The first Sunday service, led by Jose, was held this past Sunday with about 25 of the locals in attendance. We look forward to seeing what God does in Clementina. Below is a picture of the newly constructed thatch chapel and a typical house in the community.
This week we have a short-term team from Redeemer Church in Austin, TX here with us. With the help of some of our Wichanzao brethren, they are conducting a VBS for the children of Clementina. Here are some pictures from the VBS.
Please pray for the people of Clementina that they would be receptive to the gospel and that their hearts would be open to Jesus Christ.
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